Like many people, I have been exposed to and affected by fairy tales through out my life.

They have been presented as teaching parables, with cautionary messages and as pure entertainment . They might be presented as mythical flights of fancy, stuff of legend

or "tall tales". They are told in nurseries, around campfires, in books or plays , cartoons

and animation , films and television.  They are read in Pre-Schools to to P.h.d. Institutions

of Higher Learning. They also branch off- into dedicated groups and societies where they can be

joyfully celebrated and endlessly de-constructed.

Stories are told and re-told, they are referenced in other stories and become metaphoric devices

and vocabulary for so much that happens in the non- fairy tale, Human Story, itself -

An all important part of many fairy tales is our visual attraction to the accompanying illustrations.

(We can judge a book by its cover, in a good way-)

I am fascinated by illustrations of all kinds, from books to magazines and advertising.

When I am rendering my versions of fairy tales, I am extremely conscious of the fact that they

are beloved, "as is" , by not only me but by others as well - One of the challenges is to HONOR

all those original illustrations and story-lines and some of the, also beloved, succeeding versions.

But I do want to make them my own, "riff" off of them, perhaps add a modern perspective, or a funny twist-

It's irresistible to expand the story, tweak the image, to throw my bones on to the big pile that is the ever- told tale.

Fairy tales most often have a comedic aspect, this is a big part of the appeal.

Humor is integral to so much that makes me want to make art. 

I love sarcasm, satire, puns, comics, high-brow, low-brow, dark or light ; humor, is  the height of expression to me.  It can be incredibly insightful and communicate great truths.

So with fairy tales, I get to humbly add on to, all the great old jokes and truths-

And to actively participate,  in the "furthering" of the fiction and images that so many, love so much.

Photo by Rush Varela

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